Dr Angelika Borozdina
Dr Angelika Borozdina is a specialist obstetrician & gynaecologist qualified by RANZCOG and accredited by health insurance commissions and medical board of Australia.
She holds PhD in medicine. Dr. Borozdina is a member or Vic training and accreditation committee with RANZGOC and is Director of training at Bendigo Hospital.
She has an appointment with Monash Medical School as a Senior Lecturer Dr Borozdina is extensively trained and experienced surgeon with advanced laparoscopic surgical skills, endometriosis and hysterectomy and pelvic floor dysfunction and Obstetrician with 30 years of experience.
She is very passionate about FDSA.
Dr Borozdina is a mother herself and that enables her to sympathise with the needs of mothers attending the school. Two of Angelikas sons attended the FDSA and one has entered in to Medicine at Monash University while the other is completing a very successful year 12.
Dr Borozdina speaks fluent Russian as well as English Dr Borozdina has a strong commitment to the FDSA wanting to watch and help its growth with assisting troubled adolescent boys and enriching their lives.